International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IJASCIS)

Online ISSN:   3048-4987 |  Starting Year: 2022   |   Publication Mode: Online  |  Language: English

 For authors

The journal considers original manuscripts from the authors throughout the year as per the aim and scope. The manuscript should be submitted online through the form given here Submit Your Article by the corresponding author. Then, follow the instructions given on the form to complete the submission process. The authors must follow the following guidelines while preparing the .docx file:

Title Page:

Please include the title of the manuscript, author names, and affiliations. Provide the corresponding author's contact information.


Write a concise abstract summarizing the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. keywords: Use keywords relevant to the content for indexing purposes.


Clearly state the research question or objective. Provide a brief literature review to contextualize the study. Clearly articulate the hypothesis or research aim.

Materials and Methods:

Describe the experimental design, materials used, and procedures followed. Include statistical methods and data analysis techniques. Ensure reproducibility by detailing methodologies comprehensively.

Results Discussion:

Present results in a logical sequence using tables, figures, and graphs. Avoid duplicating data in both tables and figures. Provide statistical significance and uncertainty where applicable. Interpret results and relate them to the study's objectives. Compare findings with previous research, discussing similarities and differences. Address limitations and suggest areas for future research.


Summarize key findings concisely.

Discuss the broader implications of the research.


Indicate any acknowledgements or funding sources.

Ethical Considerations:

Confirm adherence to ethical guidelines, including human/animal subjects and informed consent. Conflict of Interest (Disclose conflicts of interest and funding sources.): For instance, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal interests.

Authors Contributions (Compulsory):

Write details about each author's major contributions towards the paper.

References style:

Cite in the main text:

Arranged in alphabetic order, limited, most relevant to the research work and cited (Vibhute et al., 2023; Vibhute and Kale, 2023) in the paper as APA style i.e. Follow a specific citation style (especially APA).

For instance:

Journal papers:

Gaikwad, S. V., Vibhute, A. D., & Kale, K. V. (2022). Assessing meteorological drought and detecting LULC dynamics at a regional scale using SPI, NDVI, and random forest methods. SN Computer Science, 3(6), 458.


Gaikwad, S. V., Vibhute, A. D., & Kale, K. V. (2021, December). Development of NDVI prediction model using artificial neural networks. In International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (pp. 376-384). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


Abhang, P. A., Gawali, B. W., & Mehrotra, S. C. (2016). Introduction to EEG-and speech-based emotion recognition. Academic Press.

Include only relevant and cited sources.

Verify the accuracy and completeness of citation details.

Figures and Tables:

Provide clear, high-resolution figures (minimum 300 dpi) and tables. Number them sequentially and refer to them in the text.

Supplementary Materials:

Include supplementary data if necessary. Clearly label and reference supplementary materials in the main text.


Follow the journal's specific formatting guidelines. See the template here. Ensure proper formatting of equations and symbols.

Submission Guidelines:

Submit manuscripts online or through the specified submission platform. Include a cover letter with any additional information for the editor. Ensure compliance with journal-specific submission requirements.

Peer Review Process:

Understand and follow the journal's peer review process. Address and respond to reviewer comments professionally. Authors should carefully read and adhere to the specific guidelines provided by the targeted science journal. Adhering to these instructions ensures a smooth submission process and increases the likelihood of acceptance for publication.